Why Some Players Prefer 4:3 Aspect Ratio in Counter-Strike 2


Counter-Strike 2 is one of the most popular first-person shooter games. One of the peculiarities of the game is that players can choose to play with different aspect ratios, including 4:3 and 16:9. In this article, we will discuss Why Some Players Prefer 4:3 Aspect Ratio in Counter-Strike 2. We will explain the ratios and what they do, the history of different ratios in Counter-Strike, and list the pros and cons of both ratios.

What are 4:3 and 16:9 Aspect Ratios?

In simple terms, aspect ratio refers to the ratio of the width of the screen to the height of the screen. 16:9 aspect ratio is the native aspect ratio of modern monitors, and it refers to the width of the screen being 16 units and the height being 9 units. 4:3 aspect ratio, on the other hand, refers to the width being 4 units and the height being 3 units.

History of Different Aspect Ratios in Counter-Strike

The original Counter-Strike game was released in 1999, and the most common aspect ratio back then was 4:3. The game was designed for the CRT monitors that were prevalent at the time, and 4:3 aspect ratio was the standard for those monitors. As technology evolved, and CRT monitors were replaced by LCD and LED monitors, the 16:9 aspect ratio became the new standard. However, many CS2 players who have been playing the game for a long time have gotten used to the 4:3 aspect ratio.

In the early days of Counter-Strike, the resolution was much lower, and 4:3 aspect ratio was the norm. As the game evolved, and the resolution increased, 16:9 aspect ratio became more common. However, many professional CS2 players still choose to play with 4:3 aspect ratio, even though they have access to higher-quality monitors.

Pros and Cons of 4:3 and 16:9 Aspect Ratios

Pros of 4:3 Aspect Ratio

One of the main reasons why some players prefer 4:3 aspect ratio is that it allows them to have a higher frame rate. Since the screen resolution is lower than that of 16:9 aspect ratio, the graphics card has to render fewer pixels, resulting in higher frame rates. This can be a significant advantage in a fast-paced game like CS2, where every millisecond counts.

Another advantage of 4:3 aspect ratio is that it can make the game feel more zoomed-in, which can help some players with their aim. When a player is zoomed in, it can be easier to hit shots, especially at longer distances. This can give players an advantage in situations where accuracy is critical.

Cons of 4:3 Aspect Ratio

The main disadvantage of 4:3 aspect ratio is that it reduces the player’s field of view. Since the screen is narrower, the player can see less of the game environment, which can be a significant disadvantage in a game like CS2, where situational awareness is critical. Players using 4:3 aspect ratio may not be able to see enemies or other important elements on the screen that are visible to players using 16:9 aspect ratio.

Another disadvantage of 4:3 aspect ratio is that it can be jarring for players who are used to playing games in 16:9 aspect ratio. Players who are used to seeing more of the game environment on their screens may struggle to adjust to the limited field of view offered by 4:3 aspect ratio.

Pros of 16:9 Aspect Ratio

The biggest advantage of 16:9 aspect ratio is that it provides a wider field of view, allowing players to see more of their surroundings. This can be especially useful in a game like CS2, where situational awareness is critical. Players using 16:9 aspect ratio may be able to spot enemies or other important elements on the screen that are not visible to players using 4:3 aspect ratio.

Another advantage of 16:9 aspect ratio is that it can be more immersive. Since players can see more of the game environment, they may feel more immersed in the game world. This can enhance the player’s overall experience and make the game more enjoyable.

Cons of 16:9 Aspect Ratio

One of the main disadvantages of 16:9 aspect ratio is that it can be more demanding on the graphics card, resulting in lower frame rates. This can make the game feel less smooth, which can be a significant disadvantage in a fast-paced game like CS2. Players using 16:9 aspect ratio may experience lag or stuttering, especially during intense moments of gameplay.

Another disadvantage of 16:9 aspect ratio is that it may be more difficult to hit shots, especially at longer distances. Since the game environment is more spread out, it can be more challenging to aim accurately. This can be a significant disadvantage in situations where accuracy is critical.

Each to their own taste

While there are professional CS2 players who prefer 4:3 aspect ratio, there are also those who prefer 16:9 aspect ratio. For example, Ropz, one of the best players in the world, uses 16:9 aspect ratio. He has stated that the wider field of view provided by 16:9 aspect ratio is important to him, as it allows him to see more of the game environment and react more quickly to enemy movements.

On the other hand, there are also professional players who prefer 4:3 aspect ratio. For example, Marcelo “coldzera” David, a two-time Major champion, uses 4:3 aspect ratio. He has stated that the narrower field of view provided by 4:3 aspect ratio allows him to focus more on his crosshair and less on the game environment. He also believes that the reduced field of view helps him to stay more aware of his surroundings and react more quickly to enemy movements.

In the end, the choice of aspect ratio depends on personal preference and playstyle. Both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios have their pros and cons, and players should choose the aspect ratio that feels most comfortable and allows them to play their best.


In conclusion, the choice of aspect ratio in CS2 ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some players prefer 4:3 aspect ratio because it allows for higher frame rates and can help with aiming, while others prefer 16:9 aspect ratio because it provides a wider field of view. Understanding the pros and cons of both ratios can help players make an informed decision about which aspect ratio to use. Ultimately, the most important thing is to find an aspect ratio that feels comfortable and allows you to play your best.

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